Bridge and Card games
Twenty-two years have passed since the first advanced course was organised at the Circolo for what is commonly referred to as the “world’s most beautiful game”, and in the past five years, with the setting up of ASD (Associazione sportiva dilettantistica) Bridge Antico Tiro a Volo, the bridge played at Circolo Antico Tiro a Volo has grown into a technically advanced organisation, increasing the number of players, introducing new friendship-building activities and aiming for the achievement of better and better results.
The Monday in-house tournament, strictly on invitation and strictly federal, is today a major event for Rome’s bridge lovers by number of participants, quality of reception and style of playing required at the table. The main aim of the organisers is, in fact, to harmonise the competitive aspect with the relational and social aspect as much as possible.

Thanks to the constant number of participants, the ASD has become financially autonomous and is able to look to the future on its own, promoting advanced courses and intermediate courses, at times with world champions, aiming at achieving and confirming levels of excellence in competitions. The courses, overflowing with participants, have been highly successful and have contributed to increasing the passion of attendees as well as their number.
Concerning the results of competitions, Circolo Antico Tiro a Volo has quite a few remarkable ones: gold, silver and bronze medals, two admissions to the Serie A in the Absolutes Ladies, a silver in the Absolutes played in pairs, several podiums in regional competitions and a number of cups in national competitions.
For over twenty years, our Club has been part of CIRCUITO INTERCIRCOLI ROMANI, which organises a prestigious annual series of events in which remarkable results have been repeatedly achieved.
That is not all, however.
Other card games, perhaps less popular, are played by members: burraco, briscola, scopone, to mention but a few.
Our green tables are cheerfully animated by members and friends in thrilling, yet always friendly, playful competitions, to the benefit of the comradely spirit that is the main characteristic and boast of our Club.