

Equipped with modern facilities in a cozy and comfortable environment, under the guidance and careful supervision of qualified instructors, group classes in toning gymnastics, g.a.g., body building, stratching, postural gymnastics, etc. are held.

No less widespread is the individualized practice, under the supervision of personal trainers, which is enjoyed by Members who prefer personalized training, tailored to individual needs.

Unlike other similar structures, the Circolo Antico Tiro a Volo avails itself solely of the collaboration of a staff of ISEF professors and Doctors of Motor Sciences (the only qualifications that guarantee professionalism and safety).

The courses are structured on a quarterly basis and allow the widest and most free participation in terms of schedules and application plans.

Lessons are also organized on request, with a semi-personalized training package that includes the participation of a maximum number of six people.
This formula also gives the right to a weekly participation, at your choice, among the other group lessons included in the program.

Group courses



Personal Trainer